
Color tuning is an exciting and relatively new lighting technology that affords the user an ability to control light color to adapt, soften, and elevate human experiences and environments to particular functions throughout the day, on demand. To overcome the lack of natural light in a space or to increase the added benefit of natural lighting on the human b

Choosing the right lighting for any space can be a complex decision. Considerations need to be made with respect to the purpose, form and function of the lighting application. Design and aesthetics also play a role in the equation. With so many options for lighting on the market, it takes specialized knowledge and understanding to determine the best fit for

If the work of lighting design was just left to services engineers to meet regulation-determined illuminance criteria per application, then interior and exterior architectural spaces would become soulless environments. Using qualitative measurements, architects and lighting designers can make sure the architectural intention and aesthetic character of a spa

With a reputation for being dated and generic, track lighting gets less respect than other lighting forms. But, given the history, purpose and record of track lighting, the reputation is undeserved. Track lighting, invented in 1961, offers an important commercial lighting design and function.

Essentially, volumetric lighting refers to the illusion created when a lighting technique suggests a certain perspective, orientation or effect that increases, enhances or magnifies the sense of volume in a given space, context or application. In residential and commercial lighting design, volumetric lighting is often synonymous with task lighting. Light fi

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