The Best Places to See LED Light Art Installations in the World

The Best Places to See LED Light Art Installations in the World

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Previously, we explored the United States for the best examples of LED architectural lighting used to enhance design features in buildings and art installations.  We also learned that architectural lighting gives designers the freedom to build creative but functional spaces.  Here are the top 7 international uses of architectural lighting that we found notable.

1. Luminous Lights, Location: Seoul, South Korea

Luminous lights LED light art installation in Seoul, South Kora

Arian Kang traveled all over the world to prominent libraries in search of works that he then infused with LED lighting to create these bright works of art! The exhibit now features 109 books. The pieces are even available for purchase from the exhibition, which aired in 2016 at the Collective Design Fair in New York. Kang’s collection features books with a starting price of $6,500.

2. Milky Way, Location: Düsseldorf, Germany

Milky Way LED light art installation in Dusseldorf, Germany

photo credit: this is colossal

This installation is an exploration of what it means to be a dying human. This piece is a part of a series called Milky Way created by Mihoko Ogaki. Each sculpture in the series is embedded with sparkling LEDs set to resemble stars. The form of the sculpture takes its human shape through the use of fiber-reinforced plastic.

3. The Plas Heli Art Project, Location: Pwllheli, United Kingdom

Welsh National Sailing Academy LED light art installtion in Pwllheli, United Kingdom


The Welsh National Sailing Academy features Architectural LED lighting that collaborates with its environment. LED lighting was built into the structure of the building to ensure wind direction would affect its color. There is a wind meter mounted on the roof  which provides data to the lights for the ultimate synchronization. The sailing academy also displays a specially designed mapping installation (as you see above). The images on the sailboats reflect Pwllheil’s heritage.

4. Tokyo Hotara Festival, Location: Tokyo, Japan

Hotara Festival light art in Tokyo, Japan

Photo: LightTopia blog

 The Tokyo Hotaru is a yearly celebration in Japan that celebrates the idea that cities and nature should coexist. LED lighting is used as the main source via solar panels. Known as the Symphony of Lights, this festival allows LEDs to illuminate the surrounding trees and river.

5. Dipping Birds, Location: Sydney, Australia

Dipping birds light art installation in Sydney, Australia

Photo: Louis Kennerly

Vivid Sydney is a yearly light and music festival. This LED-infused party has lured in about 2.9 million people to see Dipping birds. This particular exhibition currently measures at 2.5 meters. Artists Lucka Slatner, in collaboration with Maja Knezev and Zarko Djekic, created a piece that excited generations. The sculpture is interactive as it is constantly changing colors when the birds dip in the pond.

6. OVO Location: Amsterdam, Netherlands

OVO light art installation at Amsterdam's light festival in the Netherlands

Photo: inhabitat

A suspended creation by ACT Lighting design and Belgians Odeaubois was named, OVO. This architectural LED lighting project is just one of the many features of Amsterdam’s light festival. OVO is suspended on a water pool and is lit predominately by LED lighting. Besides changing the overall color design, the egg shape of this piece is one of its more unique features.

7. Water Light Graffiti, Location: Poitiers, France

Water Light Graffiti installation in Poitiers, France

GIF: prostheticknowledge

Antonin Fourneau, with the help Digitalarti engineering and design team, created a LED wall that lights up specifically when touched by water. The sensation began in Poitiers, France as a trial run. It was there that onlookers were invited for demonstrations with the help of the artist. This idea is now featured all over the globe.

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